
2. Environmental Impact Assessment - An Overview

2. Environmental Impact Assessment - An Overview

In this Guest Blog, certified environmental practitioner and Director of Epic Environmental, Dr Mark Breitfuss briefly describes the practical aspects of environmental impact assessment that development proponents could consider as they venture down a particular approvals pathway. 

New Planning Legislation Passed by Queensland Parliament to Commence Mid-2017

New Planning Legislation Passed by Queensland Parliament to Commence Mid-2017

On 12 May 2016 the Queensland Parliament passed the Government's suite of planning reform legislation which is due to commence mid-2017.

How to Expedite DA Processing Time-frames

How to Expedite DA Processing Time-frames

Nobody likes delays. Time is money and that’s certainly true in property development. Holding costs are usually incurred on property prior to the development being complete (i.e. the property is vacant and does not generate an income or the costs of holding the property cannot be recovered by the income). The holding costs also includes ‘opportunity loss’ which is the lost income if the money was to be invested in a lower risk investment option such as a term deposit instead. Therefore, it is usually a priority for most persons involved in property development to get through the process as quickly as possible. In this blog, we highlight the most common delays to Council processing times for development applications (DA) so that you’ll know how to minimise this part of the process.