5. The Role of Traffic Engineers/Transport Planners in the DA Process.

5. The Role of Traffic Engineers/Transport Planners in the DA Process.

Within this blog, Damien Bitzios from Bitzios Consulting describes the key roles and functions of a traffic engineer within the development application process and how ‘upfront’ design advice is the most important contribution to achieving project success.  He also delves into why Brisbane and similar Australian cities have traffic congestion and why it is not going to go away.

4. Flood Assessment for Property Development

4. Flood Assessment for Property Development

Since the early 2000’s, overland flow has become an increasingly important constraint which has affected large scale developers, Mum and Dad investor/renovators, engineers, architects and certifiers.  This guest blog by Mark Gibson from MRG Water & Civil discusses a little more about the issue and how to understand the challenges and solutions in a Brisbane based setting.

1. The Planning Appeal Process Explained

1. The Planning Appeal Process Explained

In this Guest Blog, Planning and Environment Lawyer and Principal of Anderssen Lawyers, Dale Ellerman outlines the process of an Appeal in the Planning and Environment Court.

Development Approval Conditions

Development Approval Conditions

Conditions of development approval specify how a development is to be carried out, usually with the intent to protect or reduce impacts on the environment and amenity of the surrounding area and to ensure that the proposed development is adequately serviced by all necessary civic infrastructure. Conditions generally consist of an action to be carried out and the timing for that action to be undertaken. If neither reasonable nor relevant, conditions may be changed or removed.

This blog outlines the rules under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA) for setting conditions on development approvals, so read on if you wish to better understand the logic behind and the limits to development approval conditions.

How to Expedite DA Processing Time-frames

How to Expedite DA Processing Time-frames

Nobody likes delays. Time is money and that’s certainly true in property development. Holding costs are usually incurred on property prior to the development being complete (i.e. the property is vacant and does not generate an income or the costs of holding the property cannot be recovered by the income). The holding costs also includes ‘opportunity loss’ which is the lost income if the money was to be invested in a lower risk investment option such as a term deposit instead. Therefore, it is usually a priority for most persons involved in property development to get through the process as quickly as possible. In this blog, we highlight the most common delays to Council processing times for development applications (DA) so that you’ll know how to minimise this part of the process.