city planning

The Story of Oliverland City

The Story of Oliverland City

Oliver Manias has had a passion for city building since he was just six-years old so he decided to build a model city in his bedroom. He studied geography at school and begins university in Brisbane in 2020 to study town planning. Whilst commissioned to help undertake masterplanning and extensive redevelopment projects at his school, we were introduced to Oliver to talk about town planning and immediately noticed his passion. We offered Oliver some work experience at Clegg Town Planning during his holidays and this space on our blog to tell us about his passion. Keep up the good work Oliver, our cities are waiting for you!

1. The Planning Appeal Process Explained

1. The Planning Appeal Process Explained

In this Guest Blog, Planning and Environment Lawyer and Principal of Anderssen Lawyers, Dale Ellerman outlines the process of an Appeal in the Planning and Environment Court.

Town Planning in a Nutshell – It’s Sort of Like the Game Sim City…

Town Planning in a Nutshell – It’s Sort of Like the Game Sim City…

"What is town planning and what does a town planner do?"

“Do you know the game Sim City?”


“Well, town planning is a little bit like that.”

This is my usual response to the inevitable question after stating what my profession is when meeting someone new...

Most people know the game Sim City and although it is an oversimplification, it provides a nice representation of town planning (and makes it sound a bit fun?).

So if you have ever wondered: “what exactly does a town planner do?” Then continue reading this article. The purpose of this article is to provide a high-level overview of the roles and responsibilities of town planners in the various parts of the planning system in Queensland (our home State).

To begin, the town planning profession is known by several names, all of which aim to describe what we do collectively. These include: urban planning; urban and regional planning; land use planning; statutory planning, city planning and more. The names differ around the world but the roles are fundamentally the same.